Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The "Zombie" attacks of the Wagner Group in Ukraine are likely due to Xanax. Why?

Because this is what ISIS did to children in Syria when fighting. It was a way to make them more afraid of their captors than their own deaths. IN this way the children became suicide bombers while on the drug Xanax. It is an anti-anxiety medicine but on the battlefield it makes people not afraid to die because it takes away all their natural defenses against going into danger and dying.  It was not only used on Children but also on adults to make them die in suicide bomber attacks against their will. This is also now likely being used on Convicts in the first line of attacks to watch them die and then sending in better trained soldiers in the next waves against the Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine. I presently believe this is the likely drug they are using to make their men more like zombies when they attack in waves there.

So, in this case they are using zombie Xanax men as cannon fodder to attack the Ukrainians in waves thinking they can gain ground in this way. However, this type of cannon fodder attack of untrained soldiers has been a hallmark of Russian attacks for centuries. I'm not sure why this is true but historically it is. I think it's that Russians have never been willing to spend the money to train their soldiers properly. And now they have no reason to be fighting Ukraine at all so they must drug their untrained troops to die as cannon fodder against the Ukrainians. Where will this end?

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