Saturday, July 29, 2023

9-11: or how terrorists set out to create a worldwide armageddon

On the first timeline this actually happened. I sensed this coming from about the 1960s. I didn't know when but because I have always been an intuitive I sensed it coming. It could not directly be forestalled by anything anyone could do.

For this reason I took a risk and soul traveled to the Center of the Galaxy to visit who I believed then was God there. Instead I found myself in an audience with the Leader of the Galaxy there then around 1970. I had soul traveled there from Rancho Bernardo which is near Escondido and San Diego. I knew when I left earth with my soul that I might not survive this. However, I was young and most things I personally had stayed alive for then were gone (to my way of thinking at age 22). So, staying alive wasn't necessarily that had anything for me either. I just knew I didn't want the Earth to be destroyed at that time. So, on one level I knew I might not survive what I was doing.

When I saw the Leader of the Galaxy who I personally call "The Galactic Sentience" simply because this most perfectly describes who this being is presently to this galaxy. So, I'm calling this being "The Awareness and Sentience of this Galaxy". However, realistically what he really is is the "Owner of the Ranch that is this Galaxy" and the Galaxy his relatives built for all their progeny (children souls) to live in more successfully.

So, at the time I sensed those who would try to destroy earth and so I asked the Galactic Sentience if he could prevent world nuclear annihilation of the planet Earth. However, I was young (22) years old then and going to college and there were many things I didn't know then that I know now.

Would I take such a risk now? Probably not. But from my then vantage point I had nothing to lose and even if I lost my life doing something noble I should at least try because I unlike many people on earth was actually capable of doing this task for life on earth.

On the first timeline (before I asked for help) everything ended of human civilization on earth. Earth itself wasn't allowed to be turned into an asteroid belt like the planet Maldek was turned into 65 million years ago. However, civilization ended on earth until around 6000 AD.

So, when my reincarnated relatives (Mom and Dad) showed up from the first timeline first in 1969 I didn't know who they were. I only knew that they were from the future and they told me then that if I died civilization on earth would die. They knew my place in helping start the 2nd timeline then somehow.

So, one or two years later when I was attending college in San Diego County I soul traveled by way of Venus and the Sun to the center of the galaxy and got help for Earth. This created a possibility for a 2nd timeline (that you and I live on).

However, simultaneously terrorists decided to end life on earth mostly because they were outnumbered and wanted (like many Christians) to create Armageddon so everyone dies and instantly the ones that believe like they did and do would go to heaven.

This began to happen when the World Trade Center towers were brought down by Terrorists. The leaders of this wanted Armageddon because of their belief systems. However I also believe that governments of earth that allowed this to happen believed this might be a fund raiser for their secret organizations that were well funded until the Cold War ended too.

However, the free world secret agencies had no idea how bad this could get in that doomsday weapons were set off on the first timeline and then China, Russia, the U.S. and every other aligned place was nuked or worse.

When this happened civilization ended completely within the first month of September 11th 2001.

Elohar and Ragna didn't contact me until it was their year of 7028 AD from the first timeline because civilization got going between 6000 and 7000 Ad and they had the advantage of books that weren't completely destroyed and plastic media like Cds and DVDs that weren't completely ended by the doomsday weapons on September 11th 2001.

So, because I asked the Galactic Sentience who is a Soul Relative of mine and because he agreed to save Earth from nuclear Annihilation we all now live on a 2nd timeline where earth didn't nuke out and worse on September 11th 2001 (at least on the 2nd timeline that we all now live on.

This is how we all are still alive here on the 2nd timeline. 

However, it is also true that timeline 1 and timeline 2 also exist simultaneously too. But, as of 2023 on the first timeline there is no civilization at all and there hasn't been for a little over 20 years now and there will not be any civilization until around 6000 Ad so no real civilization for another basically 4000 years.

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