Thursday, July 27, 2023

If UFOs are real maybe they could help us deal better with Global Warming?

The way humans are presently going about 1/2 of them are going to die from Global Warming as of right now this century. I suppose there are many ways to look at this: For example, overpopulation is on track to kill us all. So, one way to look at all this is that Global Warming and global Climate change is a "Thinning of the herd" of humans worldwide.

When you look at the checks and balances to life on earth this is one way to see it.

However, if global warming is going to kill all of us then human extinction then becomes the problem instead of it just killing 1/2 of us.

From this point of view, modern day medicine is what put us in the position where we could even become overpopulated like we have.

For example, the first billion human beings on earth was around the 1820s. Then the 2nd billion was maybe 100 years later. However, between World War II and now we have moved up to 8 billion people and that is NOT sustainable. So, one way to look at this is that modern day medicine that keeps many more people alive has upset the balance of nature on this planet and so we are going extinct along with all or most species of life on this planet.

I think my younger daughter told me that 7 species go extinct every single day here on earth. We humans are a part of the ecosystem of earth and if 7 species are going extinct every single day than how long will it be before we go extinct too.

Because as species go extinct, each of these species had an ecological niche that the whole ecology was built upon. And so as each species goes extinct it helps create the perfect environment for more pandemics like Covid and AIDS to be created ongoing. If you understand anything about medical or ecological science you also know this to be true too.

But, maybe if UFOs are real then they could help mankind not go extinct. ON one level I think this is why our governments of the world are more interested in letting more people know about UFOs and less likely to kill them or make them disappear if they talk about this kind of stuff. And this is worldwide at this point.

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