Sunday, July 23, 2023

From my personal point of view Common Sense and Intuition are often exactly the same thing

 I would notice when I was younger that the lines that men used to sleep with women worked better on very intelligent women compared to women who had more common sense but might not have the educational background. So, as I moved forward in life I began to equate common sense with Intuition and instinct more and more.

So, from this point of view being more intellectually capable might interfere in some people with them valuing their intuition and instinct and even common sense. For example, I noticed that men for example would go out and make a whole lot of money doing something and then they would buy either a plane or a fast car like a Ferrari or something and soon be dead from driving too fast on roads not safe at that speed or they would crash in that plane because they were too bold and flying is totally unforgiving to the boldest of us.

So, even though this person had all this money they were not safe having that much money and were soon dead. The same often was true when people had money that they died on various drugs too. And the richer ones tended to die from cocaine more than other drugs they used. So, I watched all this too.

It brought me to the point of view that "Moderation in all things" of the Greeks is correct.

It also led me to the Buddhist Lam Rim path which is called "The Middle Way" which is a lot like the Ancient Greek philosophical Saying "Moderation in all things"

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