Sunday, July 30, 2023

Is up really down and is left right and is right left?

 The Government's disinformation campaign against UFOs is in full swing again. You can begin to read it in articles doubting the existence of UFOs.

It's sort of like in the past when women were raped no one would believe them and rich men had disinformation campaigns against the women they knocked up or worse the women just disappeared much like UFO abductees who talk about their experiences often disappeared since at least the 1930s.

Inconvenient truths are not allowed to exist in a realm of government or rich men. Same thing!

It's always been this way and likely always will be unfortunately.

Tell me one person on earth who could get away with what Trump has gotten away with who wasn't a billionaire to begin with?

UFOs are the same thing. When people try to question the truth of abductees or people who have seen UFOs or seen aliens or human beings from our future they are treating people sort of like Rape Victims.

When will it ever end?

The reality of all of this is actually that there was never a time here on earth when UFOs were not here. In fact genetically human beings are likely up to 50% from other planets than this one.

Why is this likely?

One reason is the genetic trait of speaking languages. What other creature on earth (except maybe whales and Porpoises) actually have verbal languages. I know Crows have sounds that mean different things like the awful sound a crow makes that is basically saying "DAnger Human being!" to other crows and birds.

But, the point is where did the trait of being able to speak whole languages come from? Off Planet?

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