Thursday, July 27, 2023

I was reading today that more people on earth die of the heat than tornadoes and Hurricanes combined

If you think about this it makes complete sense. Why?

Because what is the first thing to go when people have heat stroke? Their mental capacities.

So, when you make a mistake in the heat you can't correct for this mistake and then you are either dead if you are alone or just with one other person, or you are sent to a hospital if other people are around when this happens. And it appears that most people die of the heat because they are forced to work out in it?

This is one cause. And then another cause is that the rate of heart attacks in people doubles during heat waves too. So, people have heart attacks and strokes because of heat waves too especially if they cannot find a way to cool down during these heat waves. So, at any age people can be vulnerable to the heat much more than they are vulnerable to the cold. Why?

Because at least in the cold usually your brain still works long enough for you to make better decisions. But, in the heat your brain and mental capacity are the first things to go so you cannot even think straight and if you are alone you might soon be dead.

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