Saturday, July 22, 2023

Air Conditioners are great, But

 The problem with air conditioners is that they are fully dependent upon a power source. So, when it gets over 100 degrees you might be in trouble even with an air conditioner to survive. There are poewr outages a lot here in the U.S. though it is much much worse in other parts of the world where the power grids are less reliable than here. So, even if you have an air conditioner it won't work without power.

So, preparing for power cutoffs might be important to survival unless you have air conditioning in your car or truck when the power grid fails where you are presently.

If you look at places like Phoenix Arizona where the temperatures (ongoing) are over 110 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 20 days so far (and if you look at their projections of weather it is supposed to be above 110 degrees every day for the next week too. So, all their heat records regarding the number of days in a row above 110 have been broken almost every day now

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