Sunday, October 29, 2023

Here's the thing: "If you were alive in the 1950s would you seriously believe no nukes went off since the 1950s? NO!

People have always been too crazy for someone not to have nuked someone else during this time. Therefore, logically, someone somewhere has altered time and is continuing to alter time since 1945 when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were blown up. This is my present theory.

And the Eisenhower is as good of a story as any to address this problem.

Because there is simply "NO WAY" humans left to their own devices wouldn't have blown up earth at some point since 1945. There is no way this could not have happened given all the crazy desperate people on earth. 

Therefore, my theory is that a nuclear Armageddon will NEVER be allowed to happen here on earth because of this.

We might go extinct from Global Climate changes or from Covid like plagues of one sort or another, but somehow someone somewhere is altering time lines to prevent global thermonuclear holocaust with earth gone into asteroids. And I think I can safely say, "The Earth will NEVER be turned into Asteroids by nukes" (At least not during my lifetime).

Besides, if time travel is here on the planet it has always been here in this galaxy and others ongoing. 

In other words, if time travel has been invented in ANY Galaxy any time in the past  present or future it has always been here as well here on earth. This is just logical.

IF time travel is possible it has already been invented in the past, present or future of some galaxy including this one and if so it has always been here too because of this.

Also, if it has been invented sometime in the past, present or future it might be the single most dangerous thing ever invented in any galaxy too for obvious reasons.

This is why if the world powers have time travel the last thing they would want is anyone alive talking about it with serious evidence. This is the main reason why people have been killed all over the world by the U.S. government and others rather than anyone left alive with any evidence of time travel technology.

And this is why thousands and possibly millions of people have mysteriously disappeared since the 1940s around the world because of this.

And I expect it always will be like this for 1000 different reasons as long as there are governments on earth or beyond earth to enforce this.

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