Friday, October 27, 2023

If a star is a lifeform is a coronal hole a way for them to communcate with other lifeforms?

It is my experience as an intuitive that everything is alive including the stars and the planets and the earth itself. Though it they are different types of lifeforms than we are still suns and stars help us survive here on earth through their rays of light which causes photosynthesis which is the basis of life on earth, (physical life) so without the suns rays plants could not grow or photosynthesis couldn't happen which feeds all plant and animal and fish and insect and bird life and other life on the planet. So, it is my experience that both Suns which are stars and planets are all alive but experience life somewhat differently than human beings do.

Galaxies are alive too and remind me in some ways of Jellyfish floating across oceans but still being alive and how they float on the "winds?" of the universe in their own ways expanding out into all aspects of the known universe.

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