Tuesday, October 24, 2023

I find Writing very healing and therapeutic

 For example, though I like to entertain people with my writing, primarily I like to inform people about various things so that they don't die so young. I had to watch so many many people I loved die in the 1950s and 1960s mostly because of various kinds of ignorance. I was lucky that I had parents and friends who encouraged me to go to college to get a better education which served me very well all my life.

One of the most important things my parents taught me is: "What you put your attention upon you become".

Though I can thank them for many different things in life, that statement is so true so you have to be very careful what you choose to think about if you want to stay alive a long time.

Having a good family and good friends who help you forward in life is very important too.

I have a cousin who was very influential in my life who got a scholarship to USC and then a scholarship to NYU Law School and who is still a very successful attorney even now at age 81 in his field and has had cases even before the Supreme Court of the United States.

I have another friend who passed away in 2006 who also encouraged me to go to college and how important it was for a good and healthy life. Both of these people and many more helped me move forward from a public high school where I felt I needed to physically protect myself from people who wanted to beat anyone up who got Bs or As on their report card.

However, I found in college all the people who harmed people who got good grades were either in the military or drug addicts or worked in a gas station or on cars and they stopped harming people who got good grades. I was always big enough at 6 foot 5 where they basically left me alone physically but I also watched many many young people get bloodied just because they got grades from people who didn't do well in school. I'm very glad those days are over.

Because of this I recommend you either home school your children or send them to private schools where violence against other children is not tolerated at all and kids who are violent are often expelled permanently from private schools. This way your children will not be beaten up for getting As and Bs in public schools and they can more easily become a success in life.

By God's Grace

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