Tuesday, October 24, 2023

ON a practical level how does going to college increase your chances of a longer happier life?

It's not as important actually to get a college degree whether it is a bachelor's, a master's or a PHd as it is to understand Critical Thinking. Critical thinking allows you to process information better which allows you to make better choices in your life.

When I grew up ignorance was rampant but it was a different kind of Ignorance than we deal with today.

Today the primary tool to take one to ignorance is Social Media of certain types where it allows a person to "Buy Into" conspiracy theories that tend to destroy people's lives.

 So, even one or two years of college or going to maybe a Junior Level in College can train someone how to ferret out things people say that just are not true. Because though it's true that one good idea can save your life it is also true that one bad idea can also take your life.

Understanding this is important for your long term survival ongoing.

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