Tuesday, October 31, 2023

We have had offshore breezes that in Southern California would be called Santa Ana Winds

Here on the northern California coast. The normal winds are off the ocean and not blowing out to sea from warmer inland places like now. Where I live we have had humidity as low as 26% which is extremely low for coastal places here in California and humidity down to 10% in places like King City and others on 101 heading south towards Santa Barbara. The winds are ONLY at higher altitudes but over the weekend they were up to 60 mil per hour gusts at peaks of mountains 3000 to 5000 feet in the coastal ranges of northern California.

Luckily, there have been no fires much that local fire stations couldn't put out from all the winds so far. We probably have had the least fires this season of any season I can remember for 20 years or more now which is good. It's because of the 15 Atmospheric Rivers and Hurricane Hillary that hit this summer and flooded out places like Palm Springs and sent a river of mud and rocks and trees down Mt. Shasta 100 yards wide over the paved road and down into the Mt. Shasta High School Parking lot and all the way to the Library there in town. This was extremely unusual and unheard of since 1939 to have a Tropical storm hit with such ferocity from Mexico all the way up into Idaho and throughout the California Sierras too.

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