Saturday, October 28, 2023

Why can a vision quest work so well? My theory.

Basically, it's like this. When one puts themselves in a starvation (near death) situation we have abilities and capabilities that we ordinarily don't have in regular life. So, during times of extreme stress and survival we can sometimes reach these amazing places and amazing abilities that other times we cannot easily reach because we are not desperate enough to access them.

So, if you are unclear what to do next in your life for whatever the reason, a vision quest of no water and no food (if you are suited to do this both physically and mentally and feel comfortable in the wilderness this might work for you. However, in other cultures like Tibetan Buddhism monks spend 4 months alone in a pitch dark room meditating to accomplish the same thing. However, they are given food under the door to the room while doing this. They drink water and eat food so they don't die during these 4 months.

Whereas a 4 day vision quest speeds everything up a lot. I think fasting on water for 40 days is similar to what happens to you in 4 days without water or food. People can often create 4 days to change their lives completely but 40 days of fasting many people cannot manage that.

However, just remember after doing this you will never be the same again simply because your whole perception of what reality is will definitely change during this amazing unfoldment process called a Vision Quest while praying for guidance.

By God's Grace

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