Saturday, January 20, 2024

I know of only one person who survived contact with a 1000 volt line from a telephone pole

1000 Volts is what is the top line on telephone poles Cable and phone lines are usually lower down. You can usually tell the 1000 volt line because it will enter the transformer before it goes into houses or apartments. The 1000 volt line is stepped down to 220 volts from the transformer to the house or business. IN most cases (at least  in homes or apartments) it is single phase 220 volts which comes through 3 wires two of which are black and one should be white which is the neutral. Your 220 appliances like electric Stoves and some other things take the full power of 220 volts so both black wires and a neutral.

However, most of your electricity (at least here in the U.S.) is 110 in most outlets and appliances which is just one black line and one white line (the neutral) So, the two black lines are the power lines and the white line is the neutral which is needed for alternating current which comes into most homes and businesses. 

MY friend growing up went out in a windstorm when he was a young teenager and picked up the 1000 volt line that a tree or tree limb had knocked from the top of a telephone pole. He only survived it because it made his whole body jump 10 to 20 feet away from the 1000 volt wire. This is the ONLY reason he survived this experience. If he had gotten hung up on this 1000 foot line he would have burnt to a crisp and died. It would have literally cooked his brain and body and all his organs and he would have died.

So, he was very lucky to survive something like this.

The point is don't touch in any way a 1000 volt line even if it comes down because of a tree or ice covered limbs or whatever the cause. The 3 people that died in Portland might have been okay if they had been inside the car. But, because the line was on top of the car they died either getting into the car or getting out of the car.

Your car or truck is a Faraday cage. As long as you don't get in or out of it often you can survive 1000 volts on top of or touching the metal in your car. The problem becomes if you are touching the car and then touch your foot to the ground with a 1000 volt line on your car then you will die instantly.

Understanding this is important. So, if a line falls on your car don't get out of it or get into it if you aren't already in it. If you are in it call on your smartphone or cell phone the fire department because they and the power companies are trained in how to survive these kinds of situations. The only one to survive this was the baby who was saved by a bystander who knew what to do to save the baby. Otherwise the baby would have died too.

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