Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Rained most of last night and westbound I 80 over the Sierras is closed presently

I had to go pick up my youngest daughter in San Francisco yesterday but it wasn't raining then. So, when I arrived home with her it was just starting to sprinkle a little so our timing was perfect because I didn't really have to drive on slick roads or in the rain. Then it started to let loose and rained most of the night. There are still some rain clouds coming through even though it is mostly sunny today. It looks like Storms off and on into the foreseeable future because even after this passes there is a chance of showers Saturday and a chance of showers next Wednesday as well.

It looks like we are moving into the full El Nino pattern where storms move way south and then head across the southern U.S. I hear there is already flooding in places like Texas right now too. 

We also have a weather warning about 19 to 23 foot waves with sneaker waves. So, hopefully the tourists from other areas not familiar with what an ocean does in storms aren't swept out to sea on sneaker waves. You really don't want to be on beaches anywhere right now unless you are way far back from the ocean because of sneaker waves that come in when you least expect them and pull you off your feet and out to sea.

I have been almost taken out by sneaker waves on many occasions by just not paying enough attention to what the ocean was doing behind me and then next thing you know the water is up to your waist and you have your shoes and clothes on. I have almost lost two dogs this way too while walking along the beach and I have had to rescue dogs that were sucked into the ocean too but usually they were on leash so all I had to do was to hold onto the leash and pull them back on shore.

You have to be careful not only of yourselves but also your dogs on days like these here on the Pacific Ocean.

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