Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Another problem of the 3rd Industrial Revolution



The other problem that I didn't cover well enough in this last article is that you are sacrificing the environment on one level to prevent Global Climate Change on another level by toxifying water and earth to a great degree regarding plastics and Battery waste of one kind or another. So, you are poisoning the water and People and animals and insects through the creation of plastics and you are poisoning the water and the land which will poison animals and people and birds and fish more and more as time goes on.

So, even though by going electric car and truck you might be helping the air and weather, instead now you are destroying the clean water and clean earth with poisons from plastics and microplastics in Sea Water and Fresh water everywhere and you are polluting the earth and likely farmlands all over the world and thereby reducing the lifespans of billions in order to try to stop global Climate changes. However, I don't think this will actually work to stop Global Climate changes simply because it will continue to get worse for at least 300 years no matter what people do even if they stopped burning anything (wood, oil, diesel Gas) ANY thing right now. 

This is what most people don't get about Global Climate changes right now.

In other words it is possible that even if we stopped burning anything at all and converted to everything being electrical we still would have pretty much the same outcome for the next 300 years. If we consider the old 20 years per generation idea then it is 5 generations per 100 years. So, basically even if we stopped burning fossil fuels completely including wood and oil and gas and diesel and everything else including natural gas it's going to be 15 generations before we will see a positive change from this.

So, finding out a solution for us now isn't very likely. But, finding a solution 15 generations from now is a possibility. And that is who we are all likely working for, OUR DESCENDENTS.

Can a solution be found?

I think so but it likely isn't anything we have thought of yet except theoretically.

I think Fusion like in our sun and all suns and stars in the universe might be the relatively non-polluting power source that could make all this possible.

Because right now, People say go electric for cars and everything else. Do you know the number one source of Electricity in places even like California? That's right. Natural Gas.

So, going electric is still sort of ridiculous in the sense that most electricity is still coming from burning natural gas which is still a fossil fuel.

However, if more people have solar power in their homes and then charge their Tesla's and other electric vehicles THEN this might be helpful. But, we have to charge electrical things with things like Solar, and Wind and Geothermal to make all this happen in a more useful way.

And even then the plastic and batteries are going to pollute everything even to do this.

This is a realistic way to look at all this. But, likely not the only way.


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