Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Children’s hospital treated victims 6 to 15 years old

 begin partial quote from:

Children’s hospital treated victims 6 to 15 years old

The pediatric patients taken to Children’s Mercy Hospital after today’s shooting were 6 to 15 years old, and all are expected to recover, the hospital’s chief nursing officer said.

The children will most likely need help dealing with what happened, said Stephanie Meyer, the senior vice president and chief nursing officer.

“Fear. The one word I would use to describe what we saw, and how they felt when they came to us was fear,” she said when she was asked how the children seemed when they arrived.

First responders, including medical staff members, also dealt with “an extremely unfortunate circumstance today,” she said.

“And while they all may be trained to do it, it doesn’t make it easier for them in the moment,” Meyer said.

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