Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Do I actually believe that People's Deja Vus Alter the timeline?

Yes. It is my present belief that it is a way for the living being Earth to keep alive those that Earth decides are "her people" who actually listen to her. It reminds me a little of the concept of Eywa in the Avatar series. As a precognitive Intuitive I experience the earth a lot like people in the movie experience their planet through Eywa and many people who live close to the earth listen to Earth like I do.

It is my belief that many or most people who "Listen to the Earth" will survive whatever comes on earth because Earth will choose her people to survive anything that comes from now on. However, many if not most people will be lost who do not listen to their dreams and deja Vus from Earth's Eywa over the next few centuries. 

One of the reasons I write this blog is to help people learn to "Listen to the living being Earth so they and their families are more likely to survive what is coming through Global Warming and Artificial Intelligence here on Earth.

The Earth is a living being that we all live upon and our bodies are made of the dirt and rocks and water and air of earth too. Without the Earth (at least at this point in human civilization) we all will die. So, learning to listen to the Earth and what the Earth is telling you might be the only way for people to survive the next few centuries here on earth.

This is my experience.

By God's Grace 

Note: It is my thought that Time lines are actually not linear as we tend to believe as human beings. Rather than linear I think a better term would be exponential or even chain reaction related sort of more like how a nuclear event inside of a star acts. So, trying to predict Time lines in a linear way will always be very limited in it's scope and cannot hope to work in regard to how Planets govern what happens in their personal timelines. Stars also govern their own timelines as well.

I think how humans tend to think about who and what they are doesn't work for trying to understand what is going to happen next on earth regarding Weather or even Artificial Intelligence and other things with multiple variables that are beyond the scope of the average or even super intelligent human individual or group of researchers.

I think that linear ways of trying to make sense of all this just cannot work really beyond a certain point. So, this is why if you want to survive or have your relatives and friends survive the next few hundred years it's important to develop your instincts and your intuitions because in the end this might serve you better than any linear way of dealing with all this where you actually survive long term.

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