Saturday, February 10, 2024

For bloggers who quote other articles

I find now that the old (20 years ago now models of blogging often do not work very well or at all now. It used to be that blogging a full article that is quoted rather than just giving a link or URL worked better. However, now often this is no longer true and it's important for bloggers to understand this.

It's more and more important to observe what the software does when you load it after you quote it more and more and more. Otherwise, you are quoting something that is basically undreadable.

For example, I in good faith put the full Chinese Zodiac Article up only to realize that people wouldn't be able to read anything that was written because the writing all blended incoherently with the pictures of the animals.

So, when I loaded it I found it was unreadable and realized the ONLY way to usefully address this was to either delete the whole article permanently or to give a good Link. I chose to give a good link simply because it is fun to read an article like this if you can actually read it.

Though I have never been to China I have been to places like Japan and South Korea and India and Thailand and Nepal. So, I understand how "Larger than life" Chinese Cultural influence for thousands of Years has had on the rest of Asian Cultures too.


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