Friday, February 16, 2024

The Calm before the storms hitting California: Driving South to Santa Barbara

My wife has been recovering from an operation so we haven't traveled to Santa Barbara in quite a while. So, today on the last possible day to do this without weather worries and possibly weather woes we headed south because Thursday and Friday are the last days to do this likely until Next Thursday? it's hard to say at this point actually.

Everything is amazingly green which is a big deal for Californians because usually it's almost 6 months a year beige or Brown (your choice) because it usually doesn't rain much or at all between about May and September. Rivers and streams stop running (at least until the next major rains except for really big rivers like the Sacramento River and a few others in the state mostly in Northern California simply because about 1/2 of Southern California is mostly a desert with mountains up to 8000 and in one place 11,000 feet high in Mt. San Gorgonio which I climbed in a snow storm in 1970 to the top when I was 22 years old.

The Green sort of cheered me up driving south as I hadn't prepared for that and I hadn't prepared for the fact that there would be beautiful clouds both cumulus and Cirrus ice Crystals which usually come right before a snow storm especially but also can come before rain storms too here in California.

Then we got to SB just in time to unload our vehicles and drive to a beach to watch the sunset which was lovely too. What a Great Day! Good to be back in Santa Barbara where it can be 5 to 10 to 15 degrees warmer than northern California depending upon the day and time of the year.

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