Saturday, February 10, 2024

Thoughts are things and not inconsequential as many people think

Whether you speak or write or just think something it has power. And this power affects you and affects others as well in various different ways.

After being a precognitive intuitive my whole life I understand this quite well at age 75.

A useful way for me at least to think about this is to say that in some ways Earth is not physical at least in the ways people think about it. It is more like how people perceive maybe a heaven realm but one in which both good and bad results can happen both. And what you think about creates your future and influences the futures of those around you as well.

Now, I know that some people will completely freak out if they believed this to be true because it makes them responsible for all their thoughts and it is hard to be "responsible" for all your thoughts when you are asleep and dreaming various things.

However, if you view that what you dream about has been affected by what you put your attention upon the previous day and night as well as everything you have thought and felt throughout your lifetime this makes more sense.

For example, I was dreaming last night about being in a gun battle and so I went to make sure I had deleted something I had written that might upset more rightist people and cause me to have a dream like this. But, I realized I had already deleted that and so I realized it wasn't people being upset causing me to have this dream and I realized I had gotten too warm in the night because the temperature on the thermostat was too high so I turned down the thermostat and didn't have any more gun battle dreams after that.

The way I see reality here on earth is that what we think and feel changes everything around us all the time for good or ill or in neutral ways.

So, if you see the earth itself as a kind of heaven realm where you can live with angels like I do all the time it is better. Then if you can pray for people and yourself and your families and your friends this is better too and creates a better outcome in your life and the lives of those around you ongoing on into the future for centuries to come for you and your friends and all your descendents too.

My wife recently bought a blanket for the living room to stay warmer at night when reading or watching TV which says:


I think thinking like this often is the difference between life and death in everyone's life.

This is also my experience too.

I can still remember my grandmother from Scotland praying for me while I was in her lap in a 1940s stuffed Rocking chair IN 1950 when I was 2 YEARS OLD and dying from whooping cough. And she was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" which drew the Archangels to heal me so I didn't die"

My grandmother's prayers are still working today and I have learned to be the one praying for everyone now too.

By God's Grace

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