Friday, August 3, 2012

Pineapple Lemon Juice

I have had 3 lemons standing next to my Breville juicer for the last couple of days. I had originally intended to make some kind of organic lemon juice and possibly sweeten it with maple syrup or something like that.

However, as I peeled the lemons so I wouldn't have to taste the rinds it occurred to me that I could take a large slice of organic pinapple and add it to the three peeled organic lemons and juice that instead and make a really wonderful morning wake-up drink. So, I did that this morning and it was wonderful. But I suppose you really have to like lemon mixed with pineapple to really get behind something like this. But, it is really wonderful to feel all the aliveness seeping into your bones so to speak. Aliveness from organic live vegetables and fruits juiced is something one has to experience to actually believe.

Later: next day. I think I'll have another.

If you haven't read about my losing 30 pounds in one week of a Vegan organic veggie and fruit juicing diet here is the first few things I wrote about it. Since I copied these word buttons from my June webpage they run bottom to top rather than top to bottom.

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