Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Circling Energy

My mother's mother and father were from Scotland and so my mother was very Celtic and Green eyed and gifted too. Seers often have green eyes and psychics often have blue eyes.

My mother taught me to do this as a child so I learned it then. She showed me how to circle the energy with others. Many people are energy vampires in that they suck the ectoplasm right out of the air out of whatever people they are around and make the people around them ill that have no natural defenses for this.

My mother showed me that when around people like this you must try to circle the energy between you and them to avoid being vampired or you should just walk away from this kind of person. However, some people are like this that you might work around at your job or in your school growing up. This is kind of unfortunate and one of the reasons in my late 20s I started my own businesses which allowed me more to choose who I would work for and with. People that help people often have been taught to circle energy so everyone benefits from every meeting rather than only one benefitting and all the others drained and feeling sort of ill by feeling energy vampired by one person.

I think people who vampire energy from others do this from a more desperate animalistic place. Often no one was kind to them growing up so they are just trying to survive in any way that they can. However, if I have a choice I usually choose not to be around people like this unless they will let me teach them to circle energy with others so everyone can benefit and positive things can manifest.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that there are energy vampires all over the place in human beings. I just don't believe in the Blood sucking kind just the energy sucking kind. So, when people say, "He or she is such a suck that's what they mean." Or when people say, "He or she is such a black hole" often that is what they mean too.

So, learning to circle positive energy "At least around the people you love and care about" is important in order to generate good karma in your life ongoing.

Here is the most amazing story I ever heard about people circling the energy as a tribe. I was reading a book about a lady who was an acupuncturist in Australia going walkabout with a group of natives for a while and one of the scouts fell and got a compound fracture of his leg. So, after the healer set the bone in the leg from the compound fracture the whole group of 25 to 50 people all touched the leg at once and circled the energy between them. Within about 30 minutes the bone had healed enough (a compound fracture full break) to where the scout could walk on the break it was healed that much once again. So, when people are like family and love each other and God the saying "One with God is a majority" actually means something!

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