Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Whole World is having a "Come to Jesus moment"!

Of course the whole world isn't Christian, nor does it necessarily believe in a higher power or even in Buddha let alone God.

What I'm saying here is if you don't believe in something right now beyond your little self, life just might get too scary to go on living here on earth, what with Trump, Brexit, ISIS, refugees more than at any time since World War II and growing every day worldwide from all the "little wars" that are never ending now mostly caused by terrorists and starvation. (Starvation and overpopulation and no jobs and not being able to get married because of not having a job or income causing terrorism).

And then Terrorism caused by overpopulation creating more refugees which then creates leaders like Trump and others caused by paranoid white people who have never ever left the U.S. for any real reason and so are completely paranoid about anyone different than themselves in little towns across the U.S.

So, now is a good time to believe in something greater than yourself or you just might be driven to driving your car off a cliff one day or drinking to death or overdosing on drugs because the world has just gotten too scary to cope with.

Well. Think about this for just a moment:

This was EVERYONE's life here on earth before about 1950, which is why so many people (90% or more believed in something greater than themselves. Otherwise, life was just too terrifying to live even one more day.

By the way, with whooping cough and childhood epilepsy between ages 10 to 15 I include myself in this group of people who just were not going to choose to be alive another day without believing in something.

By God's Grace

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