Friday, February 24, 2017

How Trump will eliminate poor people and some middle class people in the U.S.

If you take away people's medical insurance they cannot stay well. For example, I remember a time when I couldn't afford health insurance. I had had a panic attack that mimicked a heart attack and went to the emergency room in the hospital. They told me I wasn't going to die but that I should go see a heart specialist. I was around 45 at that time. I was in the beginning of a separation and a divorce at that time. However, when I tried to find a heart specialist to see me none would because I didn't have health insurance. NO ONE WOULD EVEN SEE ME TO DIAGNOSE WHATEVER WAS WRONG WITH ME! Think about that for a moment. Because I owned two businesses and was raising 4 kids at the time and couldn't afford health insurance I could have died then quite easily and no  doctor would have seen me unless I went to the emergency room of a hospital and was close to death or something.

So, how does Trump eliminate poor people and some middle Class people? All he has to do is to take away Obamacare and then people will just die on their way to the emergency room or only get emergency room treatment (if that is still allowed after what he is presently doing).

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