Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Somebody: or a format change at the provider, has trashed my dragonofcompassion.com site

For whatever the reason, all the work I did to create this site all by myself has been somewhat trashed now. Whether this is because of a format change at the provider or whether someone has hacked my site I'm not sure at present. So, I'm going to try to find copies of this information so I can share it here with you at this site because it is now difficult to navigate or even know what is going on there unless you really understand the material. So, this likely will be helpful to many of you better read many of my longer writings about the past, present and future of Earth and other planets. I believe I started moving my writings to this site around 2007 and I had it working pretty well by 2009 with most information I wanted transferred there that are longer writings of mine about the past, present and future.

This is what the Word Button on "Prophetess" looks like now:

Actually this loads much better than the page at dragonofcompassion right now because somehow the software here at blogger.com organizes it better than whatever is happening at the provider at dragonfofcompassion.com.

By the way if you want to contact me dragonofcompassion@comcast.net is better than dragonofcompassion888@gmail.com because I don't really use the gmail one because I have a lot of issues with email in general at this point because of infinite spam that I get at both. However, the only one I use at all that I check once a month now is dragonofcompassion@comcast.net

Spam has really turned me against emails because for every useful email I receive about 100 spams and I just got tired of trying to filter out ridiculous stuff.


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