Sunday, February 26, 2017

The new Worldwide Political Cleavage: Those for and those Against Globalization

Globalization basically makes a lot of rich people and turns middle Class people rich or poor, mostly poor. So, most of the world is presently against Globalization because this only makes a few rich people and a whole lot of poor and starving people. So, this is the new political divide that both those on the left and those on the right worldwide agree upon. They are supremely against Globalization because it is disenfranchising so many worldwide and making them poorer.

However, there is also another way to look at all this. Globalization also allows cheaper made products from around the world even as it steals jobs from Developed nations and gives those jobs to the poor in the poorest areas of the world.

So, the end of globalization, As Trump supports, also kills the poor both here in the U.S. and around the world through starvation. So, even as some will get jobs as jobs are prevented from going overseas (by Trump) this also makes products more expensive and kills the poor both here and abroad because they will not be able to afford the more expensive products once the cheaper products will be banned or become expensive through Tariffs put in place by Trump and other leaders worldwide.

So, there are many ways to look at this and any way you look at it someone loses and someone dies.

It is important to understand this that either people die here or overseas through starvation and likely both people here and overseas are going to starve to death because of the end of Gobalization.

The point is people ARE going to starve and die from Globalization or without Globalization.

I think people need to understand this or else they just are being unrealistic.

Who do you want to die?

This is easily answered by most nations which would be: "I want people in my country to stay alive and other people other places can live or die or whatever.

This appears to be where all this is going now with presidents elected who are like Trump.

So, rather to rejoice in togetherness like in the Olympics we are now talking about separateness which also leads to wars worldwide.

So, are people worldwide willing to replace "Working together" through Globalization with the potential for more trade wars and actual bloody wars worldwide?

This appears to be where we are right now.

So, as people die from starvation and riots and demonstrations worldwide from now on, we will see who lives and who dies worldwide.

Some of the first to die here in the U.S. will be the thousands who will not have Obamacare soon!

And we will see them die on Facebook and in the news every day from now on which will be the death of the Republican party as led by Trump!

This is a given at this point by the way the way things are presently going in Washington DC.

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