Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I don't think it is fair to criticize Melania Trump

other than maybe her choice of a husband. However, even this one could see as a choice to be financially okay the rest of her life and for any children she might have, Barron, so far.

The reason I don't think it is fair to criticize her is that like Ivanka she likely is a Democrat and not a Republican in the first place, likely she was never consulted as to whether she wanted to be first lady or not, (because of who Trump really is doesn't consider women's feelings about anything (unless maybe it is Ivanka).

So, from my point of view it is not fair to criticize Melania because she was swept into the White House likely against her will. It is sort of like someone whose company just moved to Fairbanks, Alaska and had no choice as to whether she wanted to move there or not.

So, this is my thought as to why Melania (at least for now) refuses to be our first lady. Because she was never asked whether she wanted to be the 1st lady in the first place. And Ivanka (the de facto first lady now is getting the shaft by having her product lines trashed by Democrats like herself nationwide and worldwide because of her association with Donald Trump. So, both Ivanka and Melania are reaping the whirlwind of rage and anger worldwide against Donald Trump and I feel very sorry for them both because of this because I don't believe they deserve this harm. So, for both of them I feel the compassion I felt for my high school friends who got drafted into the Army in the 1960s and early 1970s right out of high school and then died there against their will or are still walking the streets talking to themselves with PTSD.

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