Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why World Population likely will greatly reduce under Trump

It is mostly because of the emphasis of the Trump Administration being towards rich people more than human rights. This sets a bad example worldwide in countries around the world towards a more fascist, less tolerant world. A good example is what just happened to the Dakota pipeline protestors. It is only a matter of time before the Dakota Pipeline destroys the water of the people there. It is ONLY a matter of time. So, their water will be destroyed, they just won't be allowed to protest against their water being destroyed.

Multiply this by 1000s and you will see how many people die because Trump was elected worldwide. Then you also have what is happening ecologically now in the U.S. because Trump has been elected. So, just expect 1000s of children to die from ecological problems from companies that don't have to answer to an EPA that has teeth. So, we will just watch people die from ecological reasons without any EPA enforcements at all. We will watch all the species of animals and birds slowly go extinct across the U.S. because of the Trump administration too because animals and birds will not be protected anymore from companies. So, it will be a lot like with DDT and "Silent  Spring" in the 1950s when all the Raptors and other birds started going extinct from DDT then and any countries you go to now on earth who didn't also outlaw DDT like the U.S. did don't have any wild birds at all now as you travel the world.

So, in some ways as the birds and animals go away so do children and people go away too worldwide from Trump's administration by being poisoned in various ways by a completely dysfunctional EPA.

However, some states with good EPAs might still be able to protect their children but this won't help about 1/2 or more of the states where children and adults will die like flies from chemicals in their water and food that are sure to kill or maim them.

However, as poor people die like flies in the U.S. and overseas this also might mean the human race might not go extinct (at least in this century).

So, I suppose there are many ways to look at this.

Like Descartes the French Philosopher said:

"There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it and nothing so bad that no good may come of it"

This is a pretty good description of life on earth isn't it?

The following article demonstrates the extreme drop in U.S. life expectancy now under Trump:

Life expectancy is expected to soar -- except in U...

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