Saturday, June 2, 2018

A Crystalline City will Form near Boone, North Carolina in the future

When I was taken to the Crystal Healing Temple with the Biggest Quartz Crystal in North America there in Boone, North Carolina last August 2017  I realized what I had written about in the first part of Arcane in the future happens there.

Though I cannot give you the timetable for all this, it started actually with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi realizing this was coming when he built his retreat center there. He likely had the same kind of experience that I did in 1999 when I had rented a Diesel powered motorhome in Munich and drove through Germany, Austria, Switzerland and then finally found where the Crystal Palace was near Aoste, Italy if you head up into the mountains near the Matterhorn there. It is now called 'The Dalai Lama Village.

People like the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Lamas and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi can see the future like I sometimes can and plan and prepare for it and be a part of the future in the present.

So, they do and they have and they will because they can.

So, the building of the Retreat Center near Boone of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (TM) "Transcendental Meditation" was the beginning of the Crystal healing Temple and then Temples as a healing center of Earth for the future.

People who can tune into this new healing method using intuition, medical Doctors, and various types of healing practitioners will heal those capable of tuning into the higher angelic types of healing available to mankind who tune into God and Angels in a specific way.

They will be the new Root Race for Earth and also become the new Leadership of Earth now and into the future by learning to tune into God and Angels and forgiving themselves and mankind in specific ways which allows infinite healing to take place. This also will allow lifetimes of hundreds and thousands of years and usher in ages that are amazing to contemplate and yet they are coming for the next 1 million years or more.

This is all coming now.

By God's Grace

Note: The Crystal Palace is where Elohar and Ragna meet in 7028 AD on the first timeline. We are presently on the 2nd timeline which began on 9-11-01.

However, if you were born or lived before 9-11-01 you also lived on the first timeline until then. At this point there is a 3rd timeline that began in October 2016 in which Hillary Clinton is President too.

This was done in order for mankind to have a better chance of survival by having now 3 time lines on into the future from now. The 1st time line was the only major one except for Time shards until 9-11-01 and now there are 3 distinct timelines authorized by the Galactic Government regarding earth.

The main reason this is being done is to prevent the earth from turning into an asteroid belt like our ancestor's planet Maldek, which is now the asteroid belt out past Mars. Maldek was destroyed by a nuclear war 65 million years ago when some of our ancestors came to Mars and then to Earth after killing off the larger dinosaurs with one of the pieces of the planet which hit and created the Gulf of Mexico then. end note.  To read about what I wrote about all this in the early 1980s, here are two word buttons that might be useful.

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