Sunday, October 28, 2018

What do I mean by: "I write about my experiences of the universe past, present and future?"

I discovered in the course of this lifetime while I thought I  was dying in 1998 and 1999 from a heart virus that a soul does NOT naturally live in time and space. It can partially when we are incarnated as humans here on earth but that's not it's natural state.

Because of this and the true nature of a soul one can "remember" all lifetimes Past, present and future through one's soul memories. However, this is something one must be very careful of too.

Because what if you were incarnated as a rock on a planet? Would you want to remember that or could you deal with that incarnation. What if you were incarnated as a tree on a planet would you want to remember that. What if you were a soldier in one or many wars and you died horribly by being beheaded or tortured to death? Would you want to remember that?

Life is pretty intense after all (or can be) and what can you experience and stay human and sane?

So, possibly if you are going to remember things from your past, present and future you might need to protect your physical lives and sanity in the here and now?

Maybe a prayer like this:

"Dear God, Please show me what I need to know about my past lifetimes in the past, present and future if it is helpful to this lifetime I am presently living now. I don't want to re-experience things like dying in battle, being tortured to death or drowning or burning alive but please share with me things that you think would be helpful to me in navigating this present life that I'm living here on earth.


By God's Grace

For me, the most helpful thing is knowing my past relationships to everyone I meet in this lifetime. So, whether they were friends, enemies, lovers or whatever they were to me in the past, present and future I often know. And this allows me to make much better decisions in regard to my relationships with them ongoing.

This I find is helpful which is an old Tibetan Saying: "Over time, Friends become enemies and enemies become friends so it is in each of our best interests to be kind to all beings."

Some Tibetan Buddhists practice a meditation that sees all beings as having once been their mothers which makes it easy to be kind to all beings in blessing to all our mothers.

However, if you don't believe in reincarnation this might not be useful to you.

If you begin by practicing kindness towards yourself often this winds up also being kindness to others.

If you begin by practicing kindness towards others often this winds up becoming kindness to oneself.

By God's Grace

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