Thursday, June 25, 2020

In some ways this reminds me of the millions that died from AIDS worldwide between around 1980 and 2010

The main difference is you don't get Coronavirus through having sex. In fact, if you are not kissing the person or touching their eyes or nose or ears and are just having sex you shouldn't get the coronavirus that way.

But, AIDS was only transmitted by sex which is completely different from Coronavirus.

According to this article it says here that 32 million people have died from AIDS in the world.

However, I'm getting the feeling that many more than this will die in the world from Coronavirus because it isn't acting like it's ever going away for good and even a vaccine you might have to get yearly to cover mutations each year from it of like a flu shot.

Because of this coronavirus is likely with us permanently like the flu and colds and AIDS. So, I think we might need to get used to wearing a mask at least until we get a vaccine going.

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