Thursday, June 25, 2020

These times remind me of the Kennedy Assassination and the Viet Nam War. Why?

Because Trump is sort of like an actor only pretending to be president who is assassinating the presidency itself like an actor who was not a president really would.

It's like the Viet Nam War because that seemed never ending too while people my age died like flies both in Viet Nam as soldiers and as students demonstrating against the war because their friends were dying for no reason at all there in Viet Nam.

So, like then people my age only now this time (40 on up) are dying all over the world including the U.S. so it has that same kind of hopeless feeling of people dying all over like we had during the Viet Nam War.

Trump has assassinated the Presidency and is killing people my age 40 and above and doesn't care at all that they all are dying in the U.S. and worldwide.

And it never seems to end this insanity we are facing right now in the U.S. and worldwide and it is presently only getting worse many if not most places on earth right now with no end in sight.

So, poorer people and those in prison and in jails all over the world are dying like flies right now with no end in sight to this ongoing madness everywhere.

And then to make matters worse 4 out of 5 or even 9 out of 10 people dying from coronavirus worldwide  aren't  even being counted at all because they aren't even rich enough to take a test so that they can be counted worldwide as having died from coronavirus.

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