Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blogs LIke Mine

Once more I would like to say the world needs a whole lot more blogs like mine that can be translated into any language with Google Translate or other translators.

The reason I say this is because I have already had 150,000 plus hits (actually close to 150,500 or more at present) because I intuitively put stuff here online that I sense is important to the future of the human race here on earth. Yes. It is true that if something doesn't get reported I cannot put it here. But, if I find it  (and so could you) you could also start a site like this in your native language (or whatever language you want to) to help better inform mankind regarding what might be important to all our survival and also what might be interesting to mankind. By creating a more global blogsite it helps all mankind pull together in ways that will help us all survive what is coming. If people have enough knowledge of what is coming they will tend to make better decisions for themselves and their families and they and their families worldwide can better survive what is coming in this century and beyond. Some people say knowledge is power. I believe knowledge is survival these days. So those with enough knowledge have a hope to survive whatever comes here on earth.

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