Thursday, August 22, 2013


Jonathan Flow looked at the Dragonfly sitting on top of the Hyundai and asked the Galactic Sentience if he looked through the eyes of this dragonfly or all dragonflies on earth at once? The Galactic Sentience found Jonathan Flow very endearing as he was an incarnation of his Grandfather here on earth. The Galactic Sentience said, "I can do either but mostly I do both. I find it restful to be with dragonflies as they flit about the earth. It is one of my meditations and a very Zen one at that."

Jonathan looked at the dragonfly there sitting on the XM transceiver on the top back of the car and wondered about all this.

The Galactic Sentience (if you were wondering who that is) is a non-physical being that some galactic civilizations perceive to be God. However, it might be more useful to perceive this being as a friend or as the leader of the Galaxy very much in the same tradition that royalty here on earth were for a long time perceived as being Gods and Goddesses in their respective traditions here on earth. To the Greeks, he was known as Zeus and to the Norse peoples he was known as Odin. But to himself he sees himself most as a non-physical leader and strategist. He can be physical but this isn't his natural state. His natural state and the natural state of all beings like him is not even in a matter realm but in a realm without time or space that some call unfortunately "Dark matter" even though it is neither dark nor matter but something else that does not contain either time or space but only pure being.

Some advanced souls on earth have found ways to get here to a place of no time and no space and they call this place Enlightenment.

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