Monday, August 19, 2013


I listened to the founder of YELP talk to Charlie Rose today. He was saying how he started out as a part of the Paypal Mafia which is a group of entrepreneurs who started out with Elon Musk when Paypal started. "The term mafia is a joke" which likely means they all were very successful in whatever businesses they founded. I hadn't looked at Yelp before but what it is is an internet service that is based upon recommendations of restaurants and local businesses in your area (wherever you live) in the U.S. I looked at my own area and was interested in what was said and the ratings of the best restaurants and places to stay and to eat in my area. If you go to YELP on Google and then type in either the city you are living in or visiting right now you can be directed  to places that have been recommended by others to visit or eat at there.

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