Sunday, February 9, 2014

Having Compassion for Yourself and Others

Having compassion for yourself and all others doesn't mean you never will have health issues or problems ever in your life again.

However, what it does mean is that you no longer will be a thorn in the side of yourself or others, that you are someone that will tend to help both yourself and all other beings in your life to a better, more useful and helpful life.

And if you believe in Karma or "As ye sow so shall ye reap" it means you will be creating much much less suffering for you to deal with in your own life ongoing.

Others may continue to create incredible suffering in their lives and you will often witness them die from it one by one throughout your lives. However, you will have made a conscious choice to bring good will and good things into both your life and all others.

And doing this creates an ongoing chain reaction sort of like an atom bomb of goodness that never ends throughout time and space even when you yourselves leave this mortal coil. So, by making a choice for compassion this creates good effects ongoing for millions of years and beyond. Look at the good Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King have created by their compassion for themselves and others. And this good is ever expanding and never ending by it's intrinsic nature.

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