There are many kinds of protection.
1. physical protection
2. mental protection
3. emotional protection
4. spiritual protection
1. physical protection
Many people think having a weapon like a gun or knife or club or baseball bat will protect them. This is only true if you are dealing with basically a crazed or crazy person that you either have to club, shoot, maim or kill. This doesn't happen often if at all in most people's live, especially in most middle class or above places in the U.S.
Owning a Gun, Club, Sword or knife might make people feel psychologically safer. But, are you really?
For example, one of the biggest problems police have had in the past is people grabbing their weapons and shooting them or people around them.
So, are police safer or less safe by carrying loaded weapons?
It entirely depends upon each individual situation.
So, a loaded weapon doesn't necessarily make you or the police safer. It might just get you or them killed.
So, though I recommend people to have a gun or other weapon to defend themselves in their homes, if they are not psychologically prepared to use them at (literally any time) those weapons could be used against you by an intruder (even if you are holding the weapon on the intruder) and he or she is faster than you are.
So, unless you are more ruthless and prepared than your intruder you might just be killed or wounded fighting over your weapon with them if a home invasion occurs.
If you have to wait for the police in bad situations, often you will just be dead or seriously wounded by the time they get there with your throat cut or gut shot or worse (often by your own weapons in a fight).
So, how does one deal with all this?
I, personally at this point deal with all this the way intuitives often do. I tend to know what is going to happen before it happens. So, I choose not to live wherever bad things are happening a lot. I have always chosen to work, start or buy businesses in areas that are safe to work or live in and that are always beautiful without smog or constant haze. For example, I now live on the Northern California Pacific Ocean where there never is smog and always clear air from off the prevailing winds off the Pacific Ocean and beautiful ocean as far as I can see to the horizon.
However, from where I live I can drive about 30 or 40 miles and be somewhere that it is worse (murder wise) than East L.A. (East Los Angeles has 85,000 to 95,000 gang members living there full time). But, I don't go the 30 or 40 miles in that direction because I don't want to be shot or knifed almost ever because I don't need to.
So, CHOOSING not to live where you might be killed, maimed or raped is always a good idea.
So, engineering your life so you won't be killed, knifed or raped is always a really good idea(unless you are self destructive or just plain crazy).
2. Mental Protection:
This is far more important than most people realize. If you are delusional from drug or alcohol use, you are not safe (even though because of a drug induced state you might think you are). So, using alcohol or drugs often contributes to an early death especially if you are in an unsafe area when you do this.
So, not taking illegal drugs and not even taking prescription drugs unless you know their effects upon you is a really good idea unless you want to die soon.
If you can't figure out what is really going on in your life then you won't be around very long will you? You might think that all people are good and that people will protect you. But, take it from someone who was almost murdered twice by crazy people with a knife at my neck (two different situation and 3 different people) that you really cannot trust most people not to be a little crazy. So, if you just notice people that don't seem quite right and give them a good distance as you move throughout your life this helps a lot.
Also, the first thing you feel when you meet someone is usually the correct thing to feel about them. Have you ever met someone that you had a really bad feeling about but then they convinced you other wise with smiles and smooth talk. This is when you really know you are in danger.
3.Emotional protection
When we are young, (especially boys with testosterone) we feel we are invincible. And sometimes this is true and sometimes it isn't. Be aware of what you feel all the time. So, you know when to bow out of any situation that just doesn't feel right. Live to fight another day. Live to survive another day!
If you don't you will be mentally, emotionally or physically scarred for life or worse and sometimes you will just be dead. No questions asked.
So, protecting yourself emotionally often means you will live another day and learn some more about how to survive your life.
4. Spiritual protection
This is very individual for most people because of all the different ways we are brought up. It mostly has to do with the kinds of conditioning you experienced in childhood.
Some people try to change themselves internally away from all this. However, I think mostly that just confuses your inner child and subconscious mind and might even be counterproductive to your long term survival.
So, whether you were raised in a religion or not or to be spiritual or not you have been conditioned. And often (if it is not too crazy) going with that conditioning to make yourself more powerful in dealing with whatever comes sometimes is helpful.
For example, I was raised a California Christian Mystic, which to me means we are open to learning about all religions and spiritual practices that are kind and actually work to make ones life better and to make the lives around us better too.
So, for me this meant learning about Jesus and then learning about Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters. I had already met Archangel Michael when I was 2 when he appeared to my Grandmother and I as I was getting ready to die of Whooping cough then. So, when he and his band of Archangels actually saved my life I wanted to be like them and started praying to soul travel like angels (especially the protecting angel Archangel Michael does and his protector angels). God granted me the dispensation to do this when I was around 21 or 22 years old, even though I had been aware of soul traveling in various ways since I was a child and often had flying dreams which denote being spiritually gifted enough to soul travel.
Staying in a state of consciousness where babies smile when they see or meet you will also draw angels to you all the time. Because that innocence, truthfulness and discovery consciousness that babies often have is necessary to have angels follow you around in your aura all the time. It also will protect you all the time because the angels often will tell you what is safe to do and what isn't as you go through your life.
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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