Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Are you competitive or Ruthless?

Most of my life I didn't see myself as competitive. In high school I didn't go out for football mostly because our senior class president was the quarterback and got injured and had to walk with a cane the rest of his life. I played Basketball in Junior High and I remember spraining my ankle being hit so many times while up in a jump shot and coming down wrong and spraining my ankle so I learned to crumple whenever I was going to sprain my ankle when I got hit by a player while in the air.

So, it wasn't until I was about 35 that I realized that "yes" I wasn't competitive because instead of being competitive I was ruthless. Ruthless is a different quality. What it is just means that you will find a way to survive whatever happens in your life. You are not a victim and whenever someone tries to make you a victim or to corner you in any way, shape or form, you do something else so you can make the rules, you can make the money. So, you outsmart everyone all the time.

So, if you have a big heart and yet can find a way to survive no matter what this appears to be a good thing for your wife and kids and for a long healthy life. You just can't allow anyone to victimize you. You can be polite when someone tries to harm you sometimes. But then, you go do something else where you can make the rules yourself to get ahead.

Do you think all your relatives could have survived if they allowed themselves to be victims? You never would have been born if that had happened. You have to change every situation to your advantage or usually you won't survive. Victims stay trapped in dead end jobs. Ruthless people create their own businesses and make their own lives and rules. Don't stay a victim in a dead end job any longer than you can help it. Move on.

Nothing Ventured nothing gained (which means if you don't take some risks that make sense to you ever you never go anywhere. You never do anything. You never have anything.)

Life is an experiment. Unless you keep trying new things,  nothing is ever going to work for you.

God Helps those who help themselves.

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