Monday, September 15, 2014

Writing: Saving your own life and potentially others lives too

I can make a statement here that I believe to be true. Writing has more than once save my life both while growing up and often contributed to saving other lives too.

This is a given.

However, if you are a writer in that writing down what you are feeling or thinking is useful to you to write down somewhere whether you ever allow anyone to read it or not. This might be useful to you too.

Writing can keep you alive. It can help you have a conversation with someone in an emergency. Then, you feel relieved getting it off your chest so to speak. You put it in a drawer. (These days really think about what you put online a lot so you can stay alive that way too). But, you put it in a drawer, or you write it into lyrics for a song and then you play it for yourself or your friends. (I've done all these things in my life since I have been playing piano since I was 8 and took lessons from age 8 to 16. I also took violin at school and played that in orchestra until I was about 14 and realized I wasn't ever going to be very good at violin like I was at piano, then guitar at 18, and then flutes of all kinds. So, anything with keyboards I'm great at still, and guitars are great to take on camping trips to sing around a campfire and flutes sometimes too, especially plastic or wooden flutes that won't stick to your lips when there is snow on the ground outside.

So, if you can, keep yourself and your friends alive by writing  prose, poetry, lyrics whatever, then read it to  yourself or even your friends if you feel it is appropriate. Self editing is important both to your survival and others so be very careful what you share with others and sometimes even with yourself. 

Staying alive for your family, your children and your friends has to be the goal here. And also staying alive for yourself. You can save yourself and you can help save mankind to through writing and other creative and adaptive actions always ongoing. Save yourselves and save the world!

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