Saturday, October 11, 2014

How should countries control flights out of West Africa to reduce Ebola worldwide?

One possibly effective way would be to limit tourism from these countries. By only allowing business travelers or citizens of the countries traveling to return home or military or health care personnel who are going to help control Ebola be able to fly to and from Ebola infected countries might be a start. Even with military or health care personnel who travel to Ebola infested countries they likely need to stay in quarantine 21 days before being allowed to return home as a safety precaution for their home countries unless they are being flown home for superior health care to their home countries after they contract Ebola.

It is not about being cruel to nations or people's at this point it is triage. If you have studied triage it is about saving those you can save and allowing those you can't save to pass on.

If triage is applied to all countries of the world, as countries become infected travel to those places has to be limited. Unless people traveling there are health care workers likely tourism to Ebola infected countries needs to be stopped or greatly reduced. Also, tourism out of Ebola infected nations needs to be stopped or reduced as well.

Without International discipline on this level the whole world is going to be infected to a greater or lesser degree by June 2015. Think about what I'm saying here.

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