Monday, January 5, 2015

Biggest weak spots of magnetic fields are over Western Hemisphere

Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite array called Swarm.

The biggest weak spots in the magnetic field — which extends 370,000 miles (600,000 kilometers) above the planet's surface — have sprung up over the Western Hemisphere, while the field has strengthened over areas like the southern Indian Ocean, according to the magnetometers onboard the Swarm satellites — three separate satellites floating in tandem.
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  1.   Cached
    Jul 09, 2014 · From Yahoo News: Earth's magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar radiation, has been weakening over the past six months ...
    I'm wondering if the weakness in the Magnetic fields in the Western Hemisphere has anything to do with our increased usage of electricity generated by breaking magnetic fields?
    I'm also wondering if this has anything to do with why the Polar Vortex keeps slamming down the way it has been doing into the lower 48 states from the Arctic and Canada?
    If the planet was trying to heal itself by healing it's magnetic fields this might be a natural ecological response regarding dynamics that humans aren't aware of yet.
    As an intuitive I am aware that the Earth is a living organism like individual humans are and I experience the Earth, the Sun, and even the Solar Systam and Galaxy as like family units of many different organisms.
    These organisms might not be understandable by many or most humans, but for me, this is a direct experience.
    By listening to the planet and stars including the sun is one way I am able to stay alive and healthy, because I am very aware my physical and psychological survival in a human body on earth directly relates to my relationship with the Earth, the Sun, The Solar System and the Galaxy.
    If more people understood this people would live longer and healthier lives and the earth would have less trouble than it does now in keeping itself and us all alive.
    One of my beliefs presently is that our genetics (at least 50% or more) came from Mars and the Asteroid Belt Planet starting around 65 million years ago about the time the dinosaurs died out from a piece of the asteroid belt planet hitting in the Gulf of Mexico. 
    So, this likely means our ancestors blew up the Asteroid belt planet with nuclear weapons (like Russian Soviet Probes proved during the 1970s) and eventually colonized earth to survive. Also, Mars likely was inhabited by our ancestors until the nuclear explosions and pieces of the Asteroid belt planet hit Mars and blew most of it's atmosphere off. Also, Mars has a low degraded magnetosphere too, which is further evidence of previous humanoid habitation there too.

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