Thursday, January 1, 2015

Counseling or Mood Altering Drugs?

Many people these days are choosing to take mood altering drugs like Prosac (and all the others) instead of going into counseling. Because they think it is an easier way to fix their problems.

However, from my point of view this is like putting blinders on and walking through a battlefield. If people were machine gunning each other and you just put blinders on and put earplugs in what do you think is going to be the result?

The likely result might be you would be dead or wish you were.

So, I advocate counseling over taking mood altering drugs like prosac or others.

At least in counseling you might actually find what is making your life hell.

For example, when I encountered psychology in Psychology Today (a magazine) in the Palomar College Library when I was going to college there in 1971 it began my own healing process.

I learned that about 90% or more of my problems I had had nothing at all to do with and that they were just hand me downs from thousands of years of the problems my relatives had had in various ways.

With this load lifted off my shoulders I could actually begin to create the life I wanted to live slowly but surely and led eventually to a relatively happy fulfilling life with traveling all over, starting businesses and running them, raising my family (three biological kids, two step kids and 2 God Daughters) and having a really amazing life.

But, finding out that 90% of my problems weren't even my own fault prevented me from just killing myself one day from overwhelm.

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