Saturday, January 17, 2015

Freedom of Speech versus Religions

The fundamentalists in any religion including Islam get upset because to them what they believe is life or death. However, to people who advocate Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Speech is more important than ANY religion because when people don't have freedom of speech many people die from the lack of it always.

So, in the end I guess it is a choice for fundamentalists between their religions and Freedom of Speech. Religions kill people every day around the world and the lack of Freedom of Speech kills people every day around the world and destroys their lives.

I wonder which destroys more lives around the world, "Religions or the lack of Freedom of Speech?"

I think it would be difficult to tally how many people are killed by religions and how many people are killed by the lack of freedom of speech.

However, I can safely say that the number is between the thousands to the millions every single year.

This is something for everyone on earth to think about if they choose to.

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