Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Buckets for Sink or shower in the drought

Our housekeeper was telling me the latest evolution in recycling water. What people are doing now it seems is to put buckets in showers and sinks throughout their houses. to save non-soapy (or not too soapy water) for their plants. Often while cooking you are cutting veggies or things like that where soap is not involved when you are rinsing fruit, veggies or other things and that can be put on plants as recycled water rather than you being fined for watering your plants at the wrong time.

So, by not saving water off your heads when rinsing shampoo off or really soapy water you can still water your plants with a bucket or other means and just tell people you are using recycled water instead of water right out of the tap.

In this way you will tend to use less water and to keep the plants most important to you alive.

While I was in Santa Barbara even where there are expensive and fancy home plants don't look happy, lawns are going brown etc. because of the water shortages especially in southern California where there are 15 to 20 million people or more just in Southern California.

So, this might be a way to keep some plants you like alive like trees and bushes even though likely you are going to have to give up most lawns (at least for this summer).

While driving north on 101 from Santa Barbara I was amazed just how many wild oaks of various varieties are either dead or dying this summer because of several years of droughts now.

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