Monday, July 13, 2015


I needed to take a break from Blogging today so far. Though Blogging can be a good meditation and discipline that helps glue your life together in some ways by understanding everything much better it also can be a distraction from dealing with things you have to deal with in life too. So, balance is what I need right now in regard to all aspects of my life. Emergency surgery on April 4th from a Burst Appendix on March 27th changed a lot of the aspects of my life. Luckily, I survived it all quite well. But, I can't say I survived with no internal or external scars both from laproscopic surgery and from the psychological and physical changes one must undergo to make it through surgery this serious in one's life.

For example, my doctor told me I should expect various pain from this for 6 months or more as well as all sorts of changes taking place in my body I'm not used to.

So, you can survive this kind of surgery like many others but you are going to be different afterwards in a lot of ways both physically and psychologically.

But, as always in life it is: "Adapt or die!"

Also, all this traumatized my family too and I still am trying to help my family through this aspect of the changes.

Also, I'm meeting more and more people who doctors couldn't diagnose with Burst Appendicitis. Of course I'm only meeting the ones who survived not being diagnosed for a week or more with this difficult condition.

For example, in the past before this surgery was possible people either survived a burst appendix or they died and it appears that up to 50% survived when people had better immune systems than now before 1900.

Though Vaccinations keep more people generally alive on earth (we couldn't have 7 1/2 billion people on earth right now without them) they also degrade the average immune system as well by having these vaccinations. So, in the end herd immunity likely is better ongoing than vaccinations genetically speaking.

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