Saturday, November 14, 2015

20 degree drop in Temperatures in Pacific Northwest

Starting on Sunday and Monday (depending upon where you are) starting first in Washington, Oregon and Northern California temperatures are going to drop at least 20 degrees. This means rain will quickly turn to snow many places from Washington to California to Nevada, Idaho and Montana etc.

I wast thinking about driving north to Portland today and even checked out of my room (almost) before I realized trying to get a Hotel room in Portland that I actually wanted to stay in might be difficult. Also I realized I would rather be here in Mt. Shasta and watch it snow tomorrow or tomorrow night instead. This might make it a little iffy driving north on Monday but if the road is bad getting a room anywhere and waiting a day until the snow melts off the roads to Portland or any flooding gets cleared up on Interstate 5 that I might encounter driving north. So, I decided to stay and watch it snow tomorrow here in Mt. Shasta before heading north.

Any rain or snow at at all in California is a blessed event especially after the last 5 year or more drought.

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