Sunday, November 8, 2015


Are the U.S., NATO, Great Britain and most of the world becoming allies of Russia in regard ISIS?

I think the only answer is "YES".

Russia's 9-11 has just occurred in response to Russian intervention in Syria. Whether the path Russia has taken is wise or not might not be the most important question on the world stage.

Rather, are Russia, NATO, the U.S. and most other countries now allies against ISIS?


But, it is much more complicated than that.

But, it's a good place to start. Because it likely means that for now at least, there will not be an earth killing nuclear war between Russia, China and NATO including the U.S.

And this much is a good thing.

AFter this, then we must look at how the Sunni Coalition has drawn back from bombing ISIS?

Why is this?

This is sort of complicated.

But, the best way to see it might be that the Sunni Coalition see Iran as a much more pressing threat to the national sovereignty of All Sunni governments especially Saudi Arabia where Mecca is for Muslims worldwide.

So, Sunni nations are bracing for having to potentially fight Iran aligned with Russia in various ways now.

The U.S. and NATO have a completely different point of view than Sunni nations do. From the point of view Sunni nations ISIS is still Sunni and many of the people in Sunni nations directly or indirectly support ISIS because when all is said and done, ISIS is Sunni Muslim (crazy) but still Sunni Muslim.

Whereas Russia, NATO, the U.S. are all Christians and NOT Muslims, so to many Muslims especially Sunnis we are scary because of this cultural difference.

And among both Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims there is the sneaking suspicion that Russia, through Putin, on purpose ignited the latest Sectarian divide between Shiites and Sunnis and created
the present ongoing Sectarian War in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen so far.

Whether Putin did this consciously or not is completely debatable. However, the common people likely think he did this on purpose to turn Shiite and Sunni Terrorists like ISIS and Hezbollah against each other so they would kill each other off So Christians wouldn't have to eventually kill them as they attacked Christian Secular cities and countries around the world.

But, in the meantime, NATO, and the Sunni Coalition which includes Turkey (Turkey is actually in NATO), Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others are all aligned against ISIS. But, they are more aligned against Iran than anyone because they see Iran as a bigger threat to Sunni nations than ISIS is.

So, Iran and Russia killing the opponents of Assad whether they be moderate Sunnis or ISIS scares Sunni Muslim nations a lot because they wonder if they are next in the crosshairs of gun sights of Iran and Russia.

But, the good news is while Russia and NATO are now allies against ISIS who just killed a whole bunch of Russians in a plane like a 9-11 event are now allies, (FOR REAL NOW) against ISIS which could spell the end of ISIS within a couple of years (at least as a nation in Northern Syria and Northern IRaq).

But, that doesn't solve the problem of the Sunni and Shiite divide. In fact, that will only make it worse which should also be troubling for the whole world.

So, in conclusion I presently believe the Sunni Coalition has drawn back from fighting ISIS because it is their hope that Russia and Iran will expend so much money ending ISIS and keeping Assad in power that there will not be the will or the money to go after Sunni nations for their oil after that.

But, yes, at this point   NATO, The U.S. and Russia are now loosely allied in the destroying of ISIS because of the Russian 9-11 because of the shoot down of their passenger plane.

And this is more likely to create useful dialogs between NATO nations and their allies and Russia which is a good thing for world peace on a grand scale.

But, in regard to the middle east Obama is right. There is no military solution to the middle east problems, only political ones.

All military solutions will only bring more military solutions and more military solutions ongoing for years and years until 2100 or more. This is the ongoing problem of the middle east right now.

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