Sunday, November 1, 2015

Amazing amount of types of drones built around the world now

Drones: or Unmanned aerial vehicle(s) from Wikiped...

If you haven't read the article I quoted from Wikipedia above, you should, if you are interested in new and old drone technology. I was amazed just looking at the pictures of how many different types of drones there are now and how many new and diverse uses people have for them both in peace time and war time around the world.

However, I do believe drone techology has or already will get out of hand and populations of some countries will greatly be reduced over time by drone technology. First leaders other countries don't like will be killed and then on down to people lower in leadership roles and then children or their mothers to reduce populations etc. So, I'm concerned about drone technology being used more and more to kill people anonymously including whole ethnic groups so no one could trace who did it with stolen drone technology more and more around the world.

As these devices become more and more spread around the world I could envision people attaching cluster bombs to drones and dropping them on whole villages of people they didn't like and wiping out a square mile of people all at once. So, this kind of thing is already out of hand to begin with now. So, watch out what happens now by dictatorships and non-democratic nations and mafias from now on.

And if those nations don't have a free press it would never become widely known. So, this is sort of scary that I foresaw years ago now by being a precognitive psychic and intuitive. I'm not sure how the United Nations is going to reign this sort of thing in either.

The following is not necessarily conducting by drones. However, it isn't hard to see drones in the present and future conducting ethnic cleansing of one group or another worldwide.

Note: We are seeing this sort of thing already in Syria and Yemen. Houthi Shiite areas are being hit with cluster bombs in Yemen by Saudi Arabia. And then in Syria Russia is cluster bombing Sunni Muslim civilians (men, women and children) throughout Syria. Some of these are anti-Assad Sunnis and some of these are Al Qaeda and ISIS. But, anyway you look at it Russia is killing all Sunni Muslims left in Syria (every man, woman and child). And the Saudis are doing the same thing of Houthi Shiites in Yemen.

So, both Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia are presently conducting ethnic cleansing of an ethnic religious group in each country that they don't like.

And you are going to see this continue in countries throughout the world in the future where whole ethnic groups are basically wiped out by untraceable robots in the sky.

The only real difference is Russia and Iran are extincting Sunni Muslims through ethnic cleansing in Syria and:
Saudi Arabia is conducting ethnic cleansing of Houthi Shiites in Yemen.

Both are wiping out every man, woman and child of an ethnic group they don't like.

The future could be more in the end like the Tom Cruise movie: "Obivion" where drones kill anyone running around on earth anywhere they go.

So, if drones aren't put under control now they by themselves could extinct most life on earth at some point in the near or far future.

Why could this happen?

Because if drones are stolen there is not accountability. So, you would have satellites watching people be killed without being able to hold anyone accountable in a court of law (even international law).

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