Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Evolution is not the simple process of one species branching

What the example of the coywolf does demonstrate, though, is that evolution is not the simple process of one species branching into many that the textbooks might have you believe. Indeed, recent genetic research has discovered that even Homo sapiens is partly a product of hybridisation. Modern Europeans carry Neanderthal genes, and modern East Asians the genes of a newly recognised type of early man called the Denisovans. Exactly how this happened is unclear. But maybe, as with the wolves of southern Ontario, it was the only way that some of the early settlers of those areas could get a date.
end quote from:

hybrid’s ability to adapt 

I think this is an important point that people in schools and writing textbooks about evolution often miss. The Coywolf is a perfect example of this. Do you classify this as a single species, as a hybrid like you would a corgi, a yellow lab or a brown or black one? Do you classify it as a dog even though it is surely not a pet nor likely should not ever be considered one if you have been around coyotes much (even though wolves are thought by some to be very loyal pets even if prone to go back to being feral in short order also).

So, I think the classifications of species (even variations of Humans as various species of humans are not as useful as people might think).

For example, it is said that during this century most people will have all the genetic traits of all races. However, that isn't entirely true. There are some places where that is true but this is more likely in an American Ghetto than anywhere else. As you travel the world, discrimination against other ethnic groups, religious groups, and races is much stronger than in the U.S.

Actually we get along better here in the U.S.  ( all races and creeds and ethnic groups) better than any other place on earth. So, we all should be much more careful how we define species including humans because in reality it is going to be whatever it is going to be.

In other words all beings are going to do whatever they have to to survive in the end. And you can call that beautiful or you can just call that survival.

Either way whether it is humans, wolves, coyotes, or dogs, in the end we all survive any way we can.

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